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  • Hello Guest, Are you looking for a product but it doesn't exist? Or would you like a customized add-on?
    Contact us for a personalized quote.
  • XenConcept
    Hello, This addon is unmaintened. The new addon is
  • T
    ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Undefined array key "thread" src/addons/XenConcept/NextPreviousThread/XF/Pub/Controller/Thread.php:26...
  • XenConcept
    XenConcept replied to the thread please help.
    Hello, This done.
  • XenConcept
    XenConcept replied to the thread Hide BBCode.
    New release 2.1.3 Add : Add support for use [HIDETHANKS] in resource Fix : Fix error Attempt to read property "user_id" on null
  • S
    sucre13 replied to the thread please help.
    How long will I have to wait for a solution please? I still have these errors.
  • XenConcept
    XenConcept replied to the thread please help.
    Hello, Thank you for your report. I look.
  • S
    sucre13 posted the thread please help in Faqs.
    I bought this plugin but I have these errors, sorry if I'm posting wrong ErrorException: Template error: [E_WARNING] Attempt to read...
  • XenConcept
    XenConcept replied to the thread Quiz manager.
    Hello, I have just confirmed your account.
  • R
    RisingSun replied to the thread Quiz manager.
    The subdomain website requires a separate registration than the main website. I am still waiting...
  • XenConcept
    XenConcept replied to the thread Quiz manager.
    Hello, You can try here : The steps is : Create a quiz Create a questions Start quiz
  • R
    RisingSun replied to the thread Quiz manager.
    I'm looking for a plugin that I can use for the officer elections for our club. Do you think this would work? I can't get the Demo...
  • M
    mag replied to the thread HIDE BBCode inscriptions.
    The inscription was visible before
    • Screenshot_16.png
  • XenConcept
    XenConcept replied to the thread HIDE BBCode inscriptions.
    I can't do it for you - customization is not free. Or tell me exactly what you need and I'll give you a price.
  • M
    mag replied to the thread HIDE BBCode inscriptions.
    what needs to be changed in the template?
    • Screenshot_15.png
  • XenConcept
    XenConcept replied to the thread HIDE BBCode inscriptions.
    You can edit this template xc_hide_bbcode_bb_code_tag_hide Or contact me privately for a personalized custom.