This addon gives users the ability to hide their content using BBCode.
This addon requires version 2.1 of XenForo


UserGroup permissions :

Insert Hide Overlay

This addon requires version 2.1 of XenForo

- Six different BBCode to Hide Contents.
- UserGroup permissions

[HIDE] | This tag can be mapped to any of the above BBCodes. (Default - [HIDEREPLY]) |
[HIDEREPLY] | Content within this tag is not shown to user until he/she replies in that thread. |
[HIDEPOSTS] | Content within this tag can only be seen by people's who have more posts than defined number of posts. |
[HIDEREACT] | Content within can only be seen after the user a react this content. |
[HIDEREPLYREACT] | Content within can only be seen after the user a reply to content and a react this content. |
[HIDESHOWTOGROUPS] | Content within this tag is only shown to defined usergroups. |
[HIDEGUEST] | The content of this tag is only shown to registered user. |
[HIDEAGE=18] | The content of this tag can only be seen by users who have the defined age. |
UserGroup permissions :

Insert Hide Overlay

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