This add-on allows you to move to the next or previous content in one click.

Feature summary :

Feature summary :
- Options:
- Thread options
- Replace "Next Previous" By the threads title
- Enable limit characters for "Next/Previous" thread title
- Enable thread preview
- Display position
- Top and bottom position
- Top position
- bottom position
- Search by thread type
- Conversation options
- Replace "Next Previous" By the conversations title
- Enable limit characters for "Next/Previous" conversation title
- Enable conversation preview
- Display position
- Top and bottom position
- Top position
- bottom position
- Resource Options (Require XFRM Manager)
- Replace "Next Previous" By the resoucres title
- Enable limit characters for "Next/Previous" resource title
- Enable resource preview
- Display position
- Top and bottom position
- Top position
- bottom position
- Project Options (Require Project Manager)
- Replace "Next Previous" By the projects title
- Enable limit characters for "Next/Previous" project title
- Enable project preview
- Display position
- Top and bottom position
- Top position
- bottom position
- Thread options
- Usergroup permissions
- Styles properties:
- Choose your style
- Button simple
- Button custom
- Button position
- Center
- Opposite
- button border radius
- Choose your style

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